Member-only story
Blueprint for Chaos
How the Party of Trump intends to undermine the 2024 presidential election…..and succeed this time.
I wrote recently in these pages about the brazen, quiet-part-out-loud attempts of the Party of Trump to steal the 2024 presidential election.
Yes, the first and preeminent danger is that he could win outright, thanks to the travesty of the Electoral College. On that count, the race remains terrifyingly close, which is a damning indictment of our country on two counts: first, that tens of millions of our fellow Americans are openly supportive of a fascist demagogue, and second, that we have a blatantly anti-democratic, countermajoritarian system of government that allows that rabid right wing minority to impose its will on the rest of us.
But despite the unfair structural advantages that the system gives it, the Republican Party — which is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Trump Inc. — knows that it stands a very good chance of losing that election nevertheless. (As well it should, owing to the wretched policies it promotes, and the fact that it tried to overturn the results of the last one, by force.) Therefore the GOP is also openly preparing to ratfuck the upcoming election every way it can, by sowing chaos, mucking up the counting of votes, undermining public faith in the results, and for the second straight time convincing its army of suckers that their boy…