Thank you for your comment, which refers to the alleged “lies” on my piece is based without ever citing a single example. Meanwhile, you perpetuate your own whopping lie: the shameless Republican myth of voter fraud, a smokescreen for a desperate attempt to suppress the vote and disenfranchise tens of millions of Americans.
Why is the GOP doing this? Easy: Because its demographic base is rapidly shrinking and it knows it can no longer win elections fairly. Republican mandarins from Graham to the Koch Bros. have openly said as much.
You ask: “If you are so confident of your support, why do you need a cheater’s voting bill?” I would ask that exact question of the entire right wing effort to rewrite the voting laws predicated on this non-existent fraud. What problem are you trying to fix, except your own inability to win an election fair and square?
You say, “The majority of people support voter ID, but this act would make that illegal.” By the same logic, a huge majority of Americans — 68% — support the For the People Act, yet you staunchly oppose that. Where does your belief in majority rule go then?
It is very clear that the GOP’s real goal is to rig the system and install itself in permanent, countermajoritarian power in defiance of the will of the people. Everything else surrounding the issue is just fearmongering and disinformation, the contemporary Republican Party’s stock in trade.
As for unity and mandates, when Donald Trump became president despite losing the popular vote by millions, his administration did whatever the hell it wanted to do, gleefully, and with absolutely no regard for what the other side — which is to say, the majority of Americans — wanted. “Elections have consequences!” you howled back then. “Get over it, you lost!” But now that the Democrats are in power after a resounding electoral victory in both the EC and the popular vote, suddenly Republicans are keen on bipartisanship from the Biden administration (while questioning its very legitimacy, and continuing to contest an outcome that has been undeniably affirmed over and over) and sanctimoniously demanding modesty. What utter hypocrisy.
Lastly, I see from your other Medium posts that you’re a strong supporter of Mr. Trump. With all due respect, no one who continues to defend the only US president who spent months undermining confidence in the vote, and then incited a violent insurrection to overturn its results, has any grounds to lecture us about electoral integrity.