Thanks for your comment. Anecdotal evidence of the Washington sniper being brought in alive does not refute my argument. Yes, the cops do arrest and haul in plenty of Black people alive, both the guilty and the innocent — that’s a separate (if related) problem. But as I’m sure you know, American police officers are also far more likely to shoot and kill Black people than white ones, which was the point I was making about how Kyle Rittenhouse was able to patrol the streets of Kenosha with an AR variant, be given a bottle of water and thanked by the police for doing so, shoot two people dead with that AR, and then go home not in handcuffs, let alone bullet-ridden. The contrast is striking when one so frequently sees unarmed Black Americans gunned down by law enforcement, often simply b/c the officers in question “thought” an individual was armed, or “thought” a wallet was a gun, and often for no fathomable reason whatsoever.
I can’t think of a comparable example to Rittenhouse where a Black shooter walked away like that, or went to trial and was acquitted. When Black people have occasionally shown up in public toting guns vigilante style, the law enforcement community — and much of the American public — tend to go berserk. (See: Black Panther Party.)