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What Is the Best Case Scenario?
Suppose we beat Trump in ’24, and even convict him of major crimes. What then?
This blog is not known for its sunny optimism. In my experience, the light at the end of the tunnel usually turns out to be the headlamp of an oncoming train.
That said, I am guardedly upbeat about the chances that we will defeat Donald Trump on Election Day 2024. (The notion that he will not be the GOP nominee is no longer on the table.) I won’t exhale until that happens, since nothing is certain, as we learned to our lasting chagrin on Election Day 2016. The economy could tank. The Kremlin — or China, or someone else — could intervene with a targeted PSYOPS campaign and gaslight the American public, again. Biden could pass away in a tragically ill-timed RBG-like manner. And most worrying of all, the Republicans — knowing that they’re in deep electoral doo-doo — could ramp up their efforts to subvert the election process and just steal the damned thing, which as we have seen, they are not at all above trying to do.
So I ain’t relaxing yet. But I do feel encouraged.
Trump is in trouble. He is under indictment in four major criminal cases, two at the federal level and one each at the state and local, facing sentences that could put him in prison for the rest of his natural life, not to mention a civil suit in New York state that could…